Monday, August 4, 2008

Basement Kitchen

It's just so nice to have my own kitchen. I never understood the territory deal with women until Mom, Dad V and Chris set this all up for me. Chris even risked his life to put in a new breaker for the oven...can't tell him how grateful I am for that one :) What a good man!

Upper entry and dinning room

Same deal with the Yellow, not appealing while eating. We changed it for 'morning fog' instead...o so pretty huh?

Upstairs living room

since the entire upstairs wasn't the most appealing yellow we'd ever seen, we decided to give it a little make-over before the Grawrocks moved in...we like to say it looks muuuch better then before.

the bedroom!

Chris did soo amazing! so now we can have our little room to ourselves and no one has to feel all awkward when they walk into our front room...and our bed is right in their faces :)